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De Stefano, F., Bidwell, M., & Camuffo A. (2022). Do managers capture the value they create? Drivers of managers' value capture in a large retail chain. Strategic Management Journal, 1–29.

De Stefano, F., Bonet, R., & Camuffo A. (2019). Does losing temporary workers matter? The effects of planned turnover on replacements and unit performance. Academy of Management Journal, 62(4), 1–24.

De Stefano, F., Bagdadli, S., & Camuffo, A. (2018). The HR role in corporate social responsibility and sustainability: A boundary‐shifting literature review. Human Resource Management, 57(2), 549-566.

Camuffo, A., De Stefano, F., & Paolino, C. (2017). Safety reloaded: Lean operations and high involvement work practices for sustainable workplaces. Journal of Business Ethics, 143(2), 245-259.


Camuffo, A., & De Stefano, F. (2019). Building Strategic Human Capital Resources: Hiring & Acquiring. In T. Moliterno, & A. Nyberg (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Strategic Human Capital Resources, Edward Elgar’s Handbook series.

Camuffo, A., & De Stefano, F. (2016). Work as commons: Internal labor markets, blended workforces and management. In L. E. Cohen, M. D. Burton, & M. Lounsbury (Eds.), Research in the Sociology of Organizations: Vol. 47, The structuring of work in organizations, 47, 363-382.


Bidwell, M., & De Stefano, F. (2019). Career Management Isn’t Just the Employee’s Job. MIT Sloan Management Review, 60(3), 17-18.

De Stefano, F. (2019) Human Resources in the Time of People Analytics. Economia & Management (Bocconi University Magazine, in Italian).