Jeremy Ghez

The Global Business Environment

This is one of the main courses I teach at HEC Paris. My recent book, Architects of Change: Designing Strategies for a Turbulent Business Environment, discusses the topic at length. I also discuss these topics regularly in the press and in the media, both in English and in French. I've also published a few reports on specific regions and issues over the horizon that shape the business environment. You'll find a selection below.



Selected Publications

“The rise of the global rejectionist party,” The Conversation, April 25, 2018. Available here.

Strategy in a Chaotic World: The Geopolitics of Amazon, 2017. Available here.

Defence and security after Brexit: A snapshot of international perspectives on the implications of the UK’s decision to leave the EU, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2017 (co-authored with Magdalena Kirchner, Michael Shurkin, Anna Knack, Alexandra Hall and James Black). Available here.

Oil: Betting on Prices After the ‘Big Drop’, 2016. Available here.

Staying West or Turning East? A New Greek Tragedy, 2016. Available here.

The Days After Tomorrow: North Korea Has Fallen, 2015. Available here.

“The Days after the Fall of North Korea: View(s) from the Business Community,” Asan Institute for Policy Studies, October 17, 2014 (co-authored with Kim Chong Woo). Available here.

Alliances in the 21st Century: Implications for the US-European partnership, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2011. Available here.

Saudi-Iranian Relations Since the Fall of Saddam: Rivalry, Cooperation, and Implications for U.S. Policy, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2009. Available here.



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