Hervé Stolowy

Press coverage and videos

In relation to:
Competing for narrative authority in capital markets: activist short sellers vs. financial analysts
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 100, article 101334, 2022 (in coll. with Luc Paugam and Yves Gendron)

Activist short sellers vs. financial analysts: Competitive claims of expertise

The conversation
Vendeurs activistes et analystes financiers, des expertises antagonistes

In relation to:
Do Investors Actually Value Sustainability Indices?  Replication, Development, and New Evidence on CSR visibility
Strategic Management Journal, 40(9), 2019, 1471-1490 (in coll. with Rodolphe Durand and Luc Paugam)

Video : Sustainability indices: Do investors care (Luc Paugam and Hervé Stolowy)

Sustainability Indices: Do Investors Actually Care?

Sustainability indices: do investors actually care?

In relation to:
Building the legitimacy of whistleblowers: A multi-case discourse analysis
Contemporary Accounting Research, 36(1), 2019, 7-49 (in coll. with Yves Gendron, Jodie Moll and Luc Paugam)

Video: The protection of whistleblowers (Hervé Stolowy, Madrid, March 4, 2019)

Whistleblowers: Endangered But Vital To The Corporate World

How storytelling can increase support for whistleblowers

Comment le storytelling peut renforcer l'action des lanceurs d'alertes

BizEd, November 01, 2018
Rats or Do-Gooders


The HR Director.com, July 11, 2018
Whistleblowers suffer ‘rat’ reputation despite acting in public interest

The Peterborough Evening Telegraph, July 26, 2018
Whistleblowers need better protection, say experts

Edge (Institute of Leadership & Management)
Whistleblowers need better protection

Bdaily News
Whistleblowers suffer ‘rat’ reputation despite acting in the public interest

HR network
Whistleblowers suffer ‘rat’ reputation despite acting in the public interest

Employer News
Whistleblowers suffer ‘rat’ reputation despite acting in the public interest

Sunderland Echo
More protection is needed for whistleblowers

In relation to:
The construction of a trustworthy investment opportunity: Insights from the Madoff fraud
Contemporary Accounting Research, 31 (2), 2014, 354-397 (in coll. with M. Messner, T. Jeanjean and R. Baker).

Trust and financial markets: Lessons from the Madoff fraud

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