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Julien Grand-Clément

Assistant Professor of Operations Management

About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems and Operations Management department at HEC Paris, and a Hi! Paris chair holder. My research focuses on data-driven decision making under parameter uncertainty, with applications in healthcare and algorithmic game theory. I received my Ph.D. in Operations Research from Columbia University in 2021 where my advisors were Prof. Vineet Goyal and Prof. Carri Chan. Before Columbia, I completed my master and undergraduate studies at Ecole polytechnique (France) in 2016, with a major in algorithms and optimization.

Info: Google Scholarresume

Contact: grand-clement at hec dot fr


Dec 24 - One paper accepted at AAAI 2025, on risk-aversion in sequential decision-making (joint with Marek Petrik and Xihong Su).

Nov 24 - One new preprint on the necessary and sufficient conditions for the tractability of robust Markov decision processes (joint with Nian Si and Shengbo Wang).

Sept 24 - Two papers accepted at NeurIPS 2024, one spotlight on solving extensive-form games with Blackwell approachability on treeplexes (joint with C. Kroer and D. Chakrabarti), and one poster on the last-iterate convergence of online learning algorithms in games (joint with Y. Cai, G. Farina, C. Kroer, C.-W. Lee, H. Luo and W. Zheng).

June 24 - My paper on making adherence-aware recommendations is now available online (Management Science, special issue on human-AI connections). This is joint work with Jean Pauphilet (LBS).

May 24 - My paper on solving robust Markov decision processes with convex programs has been accepted to Mathematics of Operations Research. This is joint work with Marek Petrik (UNH).

Publications and preprints


Refereed conferences:

Working papers:

Technical report:


  • HEC Paris, 2021 - present:
    • Introduction to Data Science, graduate core course (~ 200 students)
    • Operations and Supply Chain Management, graduate core course (~ 300 students)
    • Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management, undergraduate core course (~ 140 students)
    • Sustainable Artificial Intelligence, undergraduate core course (~ 400 students)
    • Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change, certificate course (~ 50 students). Slides available here.
  • Columbia University, 2016 - 2021, undergraduate & graduate courses (~ 450 students).
    • Convex Optimization (IEOR 6616).
    • Advanced Optimization (IEOR 4004).
    • Foundations of Optimization (IEOR 3608).
    • Dynamic Pricing & Revenue Management (IEOR 4601).
    • Game Theoretic Models of Operations (IEOR 4407).
    • Operations Management (IEOR 4000).