Julien Grand-Clément

Assistant Professor of Operations Management

About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems and Operations Management department at HEC Paris, and a Hi! Paris chair holder. My research focuses on data-driven decision making under parameter uncertainty, with applications in healthcare and algorithmic game theory. I received my Ph.D. in Operations Research from Columbia University in 2021 where my advisors were Prof. Vineet Goyal and Prof. Carri Chan. Before Columbia, I completed my master and undergraduate studies at Ecole polytechnique (France) in 2016, with a major in algorithms and optimization.

Info: Google Scholarresume

Contact: grand-clement at hec dot fr


June 24 - One new preprint on the last-iterate convergence of online learning algorithms in games. This is joint work with Yang Cai (Yale), Gabriele Farina (MIT), Christian Kroer (Columbia), Chung-Wei Lee (USC), Haipeng Luo (USC) and Weiqiang Zheng (Yale).

June 24 - My paper on making adherence-aware recommendations is now available online (Management Science, special issue on human-AI connections). This is joint work with Jean Pauphilet (LBS).

May 24 - My paper on solving robust Markov decision processes with convex programs has been accepted to Mathematics of Operations Research. This is joint work with Marek Petrik (UNH).

Mar 24 - One new preprint on solving extensive-form games via Blackwell approachability. This is joint work with Darshan Chakrabarti and Christian Kroer (Columbia University).

Dec 23 - One new preprint on robust Markov decision processes with average and Blackwell optimality criteria. This is joint work with Marek Petrik (UNH) and Nicolas Vieille (HEC Paris).

Dec 23 - Two papers presented at NeurIPS@Paris 2023: one spotlight on game-solving with stable algorithms and one poster on the interplay between discounted and average returns in reinforcement learning.

Publications and preprints


Refereed conferences:

Working papers:

Technical report:


  • HEC Paris, 2021 - present:
    • Operations and Supply Chain Management, graduate core course (~ 300 students)
    • Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management, undergraduate core course (~ 140 students)
    • Sustainable Artificial Intelligence, undergraduate core course (~ 400 students)
    • Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change, certificate course (~ 50 students)
  • Columbia University, 2016 - 2021, undergraduate & graduate courses (~ 450 students).
    • Convex Optimization (IEOR 6616).
    • Advanced Optimization (IEOR 4004).
    • Foundations of Optimization (IEOR 3608).
    • Dynamic Pricing & Revenue Management (IEOR 4601).
    • Game Theoretic Models of Operations (IEOR 4407).
    • Operations Management (IEOR 4000).

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