Brian Hill

Research Director, CNRS
Professor, HEC Paris
GREGHEC (CNRS-HEC) and Deparment of Economics and Decision Sciences



Brian Hill is Research Director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and CNRS Research Professor in the Economics and Decision Sciences at HEC Paris. After completing studies in mathematics, logic and philosophy, his research career has largely been related to economics, particularly in the field of decision theory. He has published in top economics and philosophy journals, including American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, Economics and Philosophy, Mind, Philosophy of Science and Synthese. He received the CNRS Bronze Medal for early-career researchers in 2014.

Much of his recent research has focused on what counts as a rational reaction to severe uncertainty or ambiguity, and attempts to marry theoretical insights and tools from economics and philosophy, with an eye on practical consequences for the handling of uncertainty in concrete decisions, such as those involving environmental policy. (See here for a presentation of this project.) In economics, he has also worked on state-dependent utility, social choice in the presence of uncertainty, and the consequences of ambiguity for international asset structure; his research interests in philosophy have included on conditionals, the dynamics of belief and preference, awareness and justification.

He is currently working on a project concerning income inequality: see here for a presentation.




New working paper on belief aggregation and decision under uncertainty:

Forthcoming paper on income inequality:

And a working paper:

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