Brian Hill is Research Director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and CNRS Research Professor in the Economics and Decision Sciences at HEC Paris. He is also Academic Director of the Inclusive Economy Centre in the Sustainability & Organizations Institute (S&O) at HEC Paris.
After completing studies in mathematics, logic and philosophy, his research career has largely been related to economics, notably concerning decision and uncertainty. He has published in top economics, philosophy and management journals, including American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, Economics and Philosophy, Mind, Philosophy of Science, Synthese and Management Science. He has received the CNRS Bronze Medal for early-career researchers.
One of his recent research programs has focused on what counts as a rational reaction to severe uncertainty or “ambiguity”. It attempts to marry theoretical insights and tools from economics and philosophy, with an eye on practical consequences for the handling of uncertainty in concrete decisions, such as those involving environmental policy. (See here for a presentation.)
Another main current research program is centred on pro-social attitudes of consumers, such as their attitudes towards inequalities embedded in the goods they buy. The aim is to investigate their determinants, the format and character of socially relavant information that regulates their manifestations, and possibilities for harnessing them to mitigate social injustices. (See here for a presentation.)