Brian Hill


Published or forthcoming articles in refereed journals

  • Are people willing to pay more for reduced inequality?, Management Science, forthcoming (with T. Lloyd) (pdf; link)
  • Beyond Uncertainty Aversion, Games and Economic Behavior, 141: 196-222, September 2023 (pdf; link).
  • Updating confidence in beliefs, Journal of Economic Theory, 199: 105209, 2022 (pdf ; link)
  • Dynamic consistency and ambiguity: A reappraisal, Games and Economic Behavior, 120: 289-310, March 2020 (pdf ; link)
  • A Non-Bayesian Theory of State-Dependent Utility, Econometrica, 87(4): 1341-1366, July 2019 (pdf ; link). 
  • Confidence in Beliefs and Rational Decision Making, Economics and Philosophy, 35(2): 223-258, July 2019 (pdf ; link).
  • An Analytic Calculus for the Intuitionistic Logic of Proofs, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 60(3): 353-393, 2019 (with F. Poggiolesi) (link).
  • Combining probability with qualitative degree-of-certainty metrics in assessment, Climatic Change 149 (3-4): 517-525, August 2018 (with R. Bradley, C. Helgeson) (pdf; link).
  • Risk versus Ambiguity and International Security DesignJournal of International Economics 113: 74-105, July 2018 (with T. Michalski) (link).
  • Climate Change Assessments: Confidence, Probability and Decision, Philosophy of Science 84 (3): 500-522, July 2017 (with R. Bradley, C. Helgeson) (pdf; link).
  • Robust Social Decisions, American Economic Review, 106(9): 2407-25, 2016 (with E. Danan, T. Gajdos, J-M. Tallon) (pdf; link).
  • Incomplete Preferences and Confidence, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 65: 83-103, 2016 (pdf; link).
  • Representation Theorems and the Semantics of Decision-theoretic Concepts, Journal of Economic Methodology, 22 (3): 292-311, 2015 (with M. Cozic) (link).
  • Common knowledge: a finitary calculus with a syntactic cut-elimination procedure, Logique et Analyse, 230: 279-306, 2015 (with F. Poggiolesi) (link).
  • Confidence and Decision, Games and Economic Behavior, 82: 675–692, November 2013, (pdf; link).
  • Awareness and Equilibrium, Synthese, 190(5): 851-869, March 2013 (pdf; link).
  • Confidence in Preferences, Social Choice and Welfare, 39(2): 273-302, July 2012 (link).
  • Defending the Ramsey Test: What is wrong with Preservation?, Mind, 121: 131-146, January 2012.
  • An additively separable representation in the Savage framework. Journal of Economic Theory, 145(5): 2044-2054, September 2010 (link).
  • Awareness Dynamics. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 39(2):113-137, April 2010 (link).
  • A contraction-free and cut-free sequent calculus for propositional dynamic logic. Studia Logica, 94(1):47-72, February 2010 (link) (with F. Poggiolesi).
  • Le problème dynamique de l'induction. Dialogue, 48(4):701-715, December 2009, (link).
  • Living without state-independence of utilities. Theory and Decision, 67(4):405-432, October 2009 (link).
  • When is there state-independence? Journal of Economic Theory, 144(3):1119-1134, May 2009 (link).
  • Towards a "sophisticated”s model of belief dynamics. Part II : Belief Revision. Studia Logica, 89(3):291-323, August 2008 (link).
  • Towards a "sophisticated” model of belief dynamics. Part I : The General Framework. Studia Logica, 89(1):81-109, June 2008 (link).

Published or forthcoming surveys

  • Decision under Uncertainty. In The Handbook of Rationality M. Knauff and W. Spohn (eds.), MIT Press, 2021 (open access link).

Published or forthcoming articles in refereed conference proceedings

  • Confidence in belief, weight of evidence and uncertainty reporting. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 103:235–245, 2019 (ISIPTA 2019). (pdf ; link).
  • Three Analyses of Sour Grapes. Preference Change: Approaches from Philosophy, Economics and Psychology, T. Grüne-Yanoff and S. O. Hansson (eds.) Springer, Theory and Decision Library A, Dordrecht, 2009 (link).
  • Logicality: from a local point of view, Yeditepe'de FelsefeYearbook 6, 2007.
  • Realistic' Belief Dynamics, Logica Yearbook 2006, Filosofia, Prague , 2007.
  • The Logic of Awareness Change, Proceedings of ILCLI International Worskop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action. University of the Basque Country Press, 2007.

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